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Gallatin County Commission Meeting Minutes October 19, 2010
Description Gallatin County Commissioners' Journal No. 51 October 19, 2010
Date 10/19/2010 Location County Commission
Time Speaker Note
9:00:26 AM Chairman Skinner Call to Order, Moment of Silence, Pledge of Allegiance. Present were Commissioners White, Murdock and Skinner, Deputy County Attorney Jecyn Bremer, and Acting Clerk to the Board Veniece Lindemulder.
9:01:10 AM Chairman Skinner Announcement: Reminder to the public that the meeting is being recorded, televised live by Bresnan Communications and streamed over the internet.
9:01:17 AM Chairman Skinner Agenda announcement: Item #5 will become Item #1.
9:01:33 AM Chairman Skinner There was public comment on matters within the Commission's jurisdiction. Doug Espelien spoke regarding Gallatin Gateway Neighborhood Plan.
9:04:14 AM Acting Clerk to the Board Veniece Lindemulder Read the consent agenda as follows: 1. Approval of Claims, 2. Approval of Contracts: Historic Preservation Projects ($10,000), FY11 Three Forks Senior Center to Provide Services to Senior Citizens ($11,000); Negotiated Agreement - Gallatin County & Deputy Sheriff's Association, Negotiated Agreement - Gallatin County & American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, Local #3161 (911 Dispatchers. 3. Decision on a Request for a Common Boundary Relocation Exemption from Subdivision Review by Climbing Arrow Ranch, 4. Decision on a Request for a Lot Aggregation Exempt from Subdivision Review by Genesis Partners, LLC, 5. Decision on a Request for an Agricultural Exemption Exempt from Subdivision Review by Phillips, 6. Decision on a Request for a Common Boundary Relocation Exemption from Subdivision Review by Henrichon and Stillman, 7. Decision on a Request for a Common Boundary Relocation Exemption from Subdivision Review by JEM Development, LLC, 8. Certification of Appraiser of Record, Approval of Purchase and Sale Agreement and Authorization to Transfer Funds for the Braaksma Conservation Easement Open Space Bond Purchase
9:06:00 AM   There was no public comment.
9:06:13 AM Commissioner White I'd make a motion to approve the consent agenda that was read.
9:06:16 AM Commissioner Murdock Second
9:06:19 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
9:06:29 AM Chairman Skinner Public Hearing and Decision on a Request for a Family Transfer Exempt from Subdivision Review by Boyd
9:06:48 AM County Planner Warren Vaughan Staff report
9:09:37 AM Donald W. Boyd & William Howard Boyd Sworn in by Deputy County Attorney Jecyn Bremer and testified under oath.
9:12:00 AM   There was no public comment.
9:12:11 AM Commissioner Murdock Comments, I move that we approve it.
9:12:35 AM Commissioner White Second
9:12:44 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
9:12:53 AM Chairman Skinner Public Hearing and Decision (Resolution) on a Petition Requesting Annexation into the Big Sky Rural Fire District
9:13:05 AM Recording Supervisor Eric Semerad Presentation
9:14:27 AM   Discussion and Questions
9:14:35 AM   There was no public comment.
9:14:44 AM Commissioner White I'd make a motion to approve the annexation as was noticed to the public (Resolution #2010-107).
9:14:50 AM Commissioner Murdock Second
9:14:53 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
9:15:09 AM Chairman Skinner Public Hearing and Presentation of the Gallatin County Treasurer's 4th Quarter FY10 Report
9:15:19 AM County Treasurer Kim Buchanan Presentation
9:17:17 AM   Discussion and Questions
9:20:44 AM   There was no public comment.
9:20:53 AM Commissioner Murdock I move that we accept the Treasurer's Quarterly Report with pleasure that our money's in good hands.
9:21:01 AM Commissioner White Second
9:21:08 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
9:21:27 AM Chairman Skinner Public Hearing and Decision on a Resolution of Intent to Amend the Gallatin County City-County Health Department FY2011 Budget to Include Unanticipated Grant Revenues Received from the State of Montana in the Amount of $16,943 for Women, Infants, Children (WIC) and Women, Infants, Children Breastfeeding Peer Counselor
9:21:53 AM Health Officer Matt Kelley Presentation
9:22:59 AM   There was no public comment.
9:23:10 AM Commissioner Murdock Move to approve Resolution (of Intent) #2010-108.
9:23:17 AM Commissioner White Second
9:23:21 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
9:23:37 AM Chairman Skinner Public Hearing and Decision on the Breuner First Minor Subdivision Including Consideration of Two Variance Requests to the Road Design Standards of the Subdivision Regulations (Section 7.C.10, Lot Access in a Public Easement, and Section 7.E.3, Width of Lot Access)
9:24:34 AM County Planner Tim Skop Staff report, submitted Cluster Review labeled Exhibit A, Item #4 and recorded easement documents labeled Exhibit B, Item #4.
9:37:14 AM   Discussion and Questions
9:46:41 AM Philip Kedrowski, Redleaf Consulting Presentation on behalf of applicant Jeanette Breuner
9:51:23 AM Jeanette Breuner Applicant presentation
9:54:15 AM Public Comment Tom Stonecipher, Attorney for adjacent landowners Christine Woodward Duncan, David W. Schroeder and Sarah T. Schroeder.
10:06:29 AM   Discussion and Questions
10:07:33 AM Philip Kedrowski, Redleaf Consulting Rebuttal
10:13:05 AM   Discussion between the Commission, Philip Kedrowski, Jeanette Breuner and Tim Skop
10:16:55 AM   Recess
10:23:16 AM Chairman Skinner Reconvene to Meeting. Board discussion including Deputy County Attorney Jecyn Bremer, Tim Skop and Philip Kedrowski
10:37:35 AM Commissioner White I'd make a motion to continue this hearing, the Board Discussion of this hearing, until November 9 (2010).
10:37:43 AM Commissioner Murdock Second
10:37:46 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
10:38:28 AM Chairman Skinner Public Hearing and Decision on a Conditional Use Permit in the Four Corners Zoning District for a Satellite Earth Station (Essential Services Type II)
10:38:39 AM County Planner Warren Vaughan Staff report, noted a correction that the landowner is not Ron Page but AIM, Inc., under Condition #2, "Access to the proposed development shall be obtained in the form of a legally recorded document establishing a public road easement or dedicated right of way..." since the applicant is requesting a variance to the access road, suggests striking the word "public."
10:43:15 AM Ron Page, President of AIM, Inc. Landowner/Lessor presentation
10:46:03 AM   Discussion and Questions
10:48:00 AM   There was no public comment.
10:48:08 AM Commissioner Murdock I move that we approve this CUP request, having found from testimony and the staff report, which was entered into the record, that it met the criteria of Section 41.2 and subject to the conditions 1, 2, 3 as amended on #2 which would be to delete the word public. Is that correct Warren?
10:48:32 AM County Planner Warren Vaughan Yes, correct. And it's actually Section 2.4, I apologize. Not (Section) 41.2.
10:48:41 AM Commissioner White Second
10:48:48 AM   Board discussion/Findings
10:49:15 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
10:49:20 AM Chairman Skinner Public Hearing and Decision on a Request for Preliminary Plat Approval for a Subdivision by Lease to Create a Satellite Earth Station Parcel for ViaSat, Inc. in the Four Corners Zoning District Including Variance Requests from Section 7.F of the Gallatin County Subdivision Regulations (Continued from 10/5/2010)
10:49:40 AM County Planner Warren Vaughan Staff report, noted a correction that the landowner is not Ron Page but AIM, Inc., suggests under Staff Condition #4, "The subdivider shall have the RAE Fire District (RFD) review and approve the fire protection method...." to strike the words "and approve," and Condition #12 regarding the waiver of right to protest, should include "...for Love Lane."
10:54:23 AM   Discussion and Questions
10:56:22 AM Ron Page, President of AIM, Inc. Landowner/Lessor presentation
11:03:43 AM   There was no public comment.
11:03:59 AM Commissioner White I'd make a motion to grant all three (variances).
11:04:02 AM Commissioner Murdock Second
11:04:11 AM   Board discussion/Findings
11:06:44 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
11:06:51 AM Commissioner White I'd make a motion to approve the preliminary plat with the conditions as listed except I would strike condition #8 as part of my motion.
11:07:05 AM Commissioner Murdock Second. Would that also be with the changes to #4 that Warren suggested?
11:07:11 AM Commissioner White Yes.
11:07:12 AM   Board discussion/Findings
11:07:29 AM Chairman Skinner Would your motion also address the change that Warren suggested on Condition #12?
11:07:33 AM Commissioner White Yes.
11:07:35 AM Chairman Skinner So the motion is to strike #8, to make additional changes to Condition #4 and Condition #12 suggested by staff.
11:07:43 AM Commissioner Murdock Second
11:07:55 AM   Board discussion/Findings
11:09:01 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
11:09:05 AM   Meeting adjourned.